
What do you want?

What do you want?
This is an important question that we all must answer. You must have a clear vision. How can you work toward success with no target? How will you know if you made it? It’s time to prepare! Prepare for the growth that you desire. Prepare for the legacy that you want to leave. Prepare for the new opportunities that you’ve been praying for. When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. How do you prepare?

  1. Identify exactly what you want over the next year.
  2. Set quarterly goals in place to keep you on track to reach the annual goal. They should be measurable.
  3. Surround yourself with people that support you, push you and hold you accountable. **Now be careful in this step that you don’t surround yourself with people that make it easy for you to quit. You want to surround yourself with a mixture of people that have accomplished more than you and that will tell you the truth.
  4. Celebrate the small accomplishments along the way. Many times we get frustrated and quit prior to reaching our goal because we forget to celebrate the small victories along the way. When you win a war, it’s only because you won the small battles along the way. Celebrate your monthly accomplishments, tweak what didn’t happen so you can work on it the next month.

Let’s talk every Monday at Www.weeklymentor.eventbrite.com

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